Visual essentials of anatomy & physiology / Visual essentials of anatomy and physiology Frederic H. Martini ... [et al.] ; with Claire W. Garrison, Kathleen Welch. - Boston : Pearson, c2013. - 1 v. (various pagings) : col. ill. ; 28 cm.

Includes index.

An introduction to anatomy and physiology -- Chemical level of organization -- Cells and tissues -- The integumentary system -- The skeletal system -- The muscular system -- Neural tissue and the central nervous system -- The peripheral and autonomic nervous systems -- The general and special senses -- The endocrine system -- Blood and blood vessels -- The heart and cardiovascular function -- The lymphatic system and immunity -- The respiratory system -- The digestive system -- Nutrition and metabolism -- The urinary system and acid-base balance -- The reproductive system -- Development and inheritance.

9780321780775 0321780779


Anatomy--Problems and Exercises.
Physiological Phenomena--Problems and Exercises.

QM32 / .V57 2013


QS 18.2