Public and local acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan. - [Lansing] Legislative Service Bureau [etc.] - v. 26 cm. - 1933-

Includes regular and extra sessions.

Vols. for 1933-54 compiled by the Secretary of State; 1955-58 by the Secretary of State and the Michigan Compilation Commission; 1959-67 by the Secretary of State and the Legislative Service Bureau; 1968-<85> by the Legislative Service Bureau.

Formed by the union of: Michigan. Public acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan passed at the regular session; and: Michigan. Local acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan passed at the regular session.

0893-2573 = Public and local acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan = Public local acts Leg. State Mich.



KFM4225 / .A25

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