The best American poetry, 2010 / Amy Gerstler, editor ; David Lehman, series editor. - New York : Scribner Poetry, 2010. - xxiv, 229 p. ; 22 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

What you have to get over / Dick Allen -- Alcove / John Ashbery -- Unit of measure / Sandra Beasley -- The devil you don't / Mark Bibbins -- My dog has no nose / Todd Boss -- The dead / Fleda Brown -- Wildly constant / Anne Carson -- Fidelity / Tom Clark -- This poem had better be about the world we actually live in / David Clewell -- An individual history / Michael Collier -- Grave / Billy Collins -- Ugly man / Dennis Cooper -- From A walk in Victoria's secret / Kate Daniels -- Four Addresses / Peter Davis -- Come in from the rain / Tim Dlugos -- Play / Denise Duhamel -- Presidential blackness / Thomas Sayers Ellis -- Dear Final Journey, / Lynn Emanuel -- What is it about hands? / Elaine Equi -- Apologia / Jill Alexander Essbaum -- On the waterfront / B.H. Fairchild -- Smoke under the bale / Vievee Francis -- At the river / Louise GluÌck -- What's left / Albert Goldbarth -- Namaskar / Amy Glynn Greacen -- Passing the barnyard graveyard / Sonia Greenfield -- Oh dont / Kelle Groom -- And what, friends, is called a road? / Gabriel Gudding -- The poetic memoirs of Lady Daibu / Kimiko Hahn -- Five Lingo sonnets / Barbara Hamby -- I just want to look / Terrance Hayes -- The cunning optimism of language / Bob Hicok -- North Alabama endtime / Rodney Jones -- If I ring my body like a bell of coins, will the shock waves of that sound cause oil rigs & volcanoes to erupt? / Michaela Kahn -- Rome / Brigit Pegeen Kelly -- Six from Birds of self-knowledge / Corinne Lee -- The old woman gets drunk with the moon / Hailey Leithauser -- I never went to that movie at 12:45 / Dolly Lemke -- A man with a rooster in his dream / Maurice Manning -- Seven days of falling / Adrian Matejka -- PietaÌ / Shane McCrae -- The grudge / Jeffrey McDaniel -- Identity / W.S. Merwin -- Letter to the past after long silence / Sarah Murphy -- The perfect faceless fish / Eileen Myles -- The prison diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone / Camille Norton -- From Eurynome's sandals / Alice Notley -- Q / Sharon Olds -- Written by himself / Gregory Pardlo -- Inseminating the elephant / Lucia Perillo -- Heaven and earth / Carl Phillips -- Domain / Adrienne Rich -- Vectors 2.3: 50 aphorisms and ten-second essays / James Richardson -- Children's children speech / J. Allyn Rosser -- Having my say-so / James Schuyler -- Allison Wolff / Tim Seibles -- A visit / David Shapiro -- Carrying on like a crow / Charles Simic -- Blue yodel of those who were always telling me / Frank Stanford -- Stoop / Gerald Stern -- SATs / Stephen Campbell Sutherland -- Depression / James Tate -- Black telephone / David Trinidad -- The dark rides / Chase Twichell -- Peggy Lutz, Fred Muth 12/13/08 / John Updike -- 21 / Derek Walcott -- Their faces shall be as flames / G.C. Waldrep -- In the field / J.E. Wei -- Something for you because you have been gone / Dara Wier -- Objects of spiritual significance / Terence Winch -- The darker sooner / Catherine Wing -- Coyote, with mange / Mark Wunderlich -- From A jar of balloons, or The uncooked rice / Matthew Yeager -- Off the hook ode / Dean Young -- Lime light blues / Kevin Young.

33039001058881 (pbk.)

American poetry--Collections.
American poetry--21st century.


PS580 / .B478 2010